myGrid is now called the eScience Lab. These pages are provided for archival purposes.
For updated content, see

apache-taverna-commandline 3.1.0-incubating
apache-taverna-engine 3.1.0-incubating
apache-taverna-commonactivities 2.1.0-incubating

This is the first major release of Apache Taverna since joining the
Apache Software Foundation incubator.

Taverna Command-line 3.1.0 Release Notes – Apache Taverna Dev – Apache Software Foundation
Release date: 2016-07-01. The Apache Taverna (incubating) team is pleased to announce the release of: apache-taverna-commandline 3.1.0-incubating; apache-taverna-engine 3.1.0-incubating; apache-taverna-commonactivities 2.1.0-incubating. This is the first major release of Apache Taverna since …

Applications are now open for the 2016 Synthetic Genome Summer Course – a one-week residential summer school package in Edinburgh, UK consisting of a 5-day workshop & a 2-day major international conference. 

Suitable for people in research, industry, for students, DIYbio and more. Relevant for people at any stage in their career looking to expand their knowledge and skills in synthetic biology and genome engineering.

Course runs from Sunday 3rd July – Saturday 9th July 2016.

Learn about synthetic pathway and genome optimisation and design from international experts, by participating in an innovative lab course covering recent breakthroughs in synthetic biology and synthetic genomes including: Synthetic chromosome design and assembly CRISPR-mediated genome engineering Synthetic pathway design and assembly SCRaMbLE-mediated synthetic genome rearrangement State-of-the-art lab automation and design software.

Accommodation included from Sunday 3rd July to Saturday 9th July (Check out on the 10th).

Package includes the 5th annual Sc2.0 and Synthetic Genomes conference with major synthetic biology and yeast research speakers including:

·         Jef Boeke – New York University

·         Jim Collins – MIT and the Harvard Medical School

·         Pam Silver – Harvard Medical School

·         Jasper Rine – UC Berkeley Maitreya Dunham – University of Washington

·         Romain Koszul – Institut Pasteur Matthew Wook Chang – National University of Singapore

·         Tom Ellis – Imperial College London

·         Patrick Cai – University of Edinburgh

·         Additional speakers TBC.

Price Per Person: £420. This includes all accommodation, meals and conference attendance. A limited number of travel awards and bursaries will be available. 

For more information the summer course website:

Synthetic Genome Summer Course

Are you a student, researcher, project investigator, lab manager, institution, publisher, data provider or anyone else interested in data and model management in interdisciplinary life-sciences?

Join our new webinar series launching Mon 25th Jan 2pm-2.45pm GMT. Our guest speaker for the first session will be Steven Wiley.

To find our more about the webinar visit our webinar page.

Embedded Link

Webinars | FAIRDOM
We are proud to announce the launch the 2016 series of Webinars for Data and Model management Practice in the Interdisciplinary Life Sciences. These webinars will interest students, researchers, project investigators, lab managers, institutions, publishers, data providers….anyone with data or …

We are pleased to announce the release of SEEK version 1.0.

This version of SEEK forms the base version for our new FAIRDOMHUB service, about which we will be releasing more details in the new year.

Included in this version are some key new features:

* Support for the self creation and administration of Programmes, and Projects within them. If this feature is enabled, users will be able to setup their own Programmes and support them without the need of a full SEEK administrator other than the initial activation.
* A refinement of the administrative roles.
* Publishing of entire Investigations as Snapshots – frozen in time as Research Objects, along with a DOI. In the future we will be extending this to also support more fine-grained Studies and Assays.
* For more details about this release please visit

Embedded Link

SEEK 1.0 Released !! | FAIRDOM
We are pleased to announce the release of SEEK version 1.0. This version of SEEK forms the base version for our new service, about which we will be releasing more details in the new year. Included in this version are some key new features: Support for the self creation and …

Monday, November 23, 2015 to Friday, November 27, 2015
A large part of systems biology is concerned with studying how the molecular networks inside living cells function. In parallel, mathematical models help systems biologists to figure it out. Offered by the VU University in Amsterdam, this 1-week course serves as an introduction to mathematical modeling as it is used in systems biology. The course does not require any introductory reading or courses, it should be accessible to students with diverse backgrounds.

As a followup to the BioVeL project a group of researchers (including two of us from Manchester University) submitted a showcase to the Research Data Alliance Climate Data Challenge which was accepted. Even better it will be presented during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December. The showcase uses a configured SEEK to run a Taverna workflow on a Taverna Server

The showcase is called "Predictive modelling of mosquito-borne diseases in Sweden" and demonstrates how predictions of climate change can be used, together with species distribution information, to predict potential future disease areas.

You are an ecologist? Or a biodiversity scientist? You have to process large amounts of data about biodiversity? You have no experience with computer programming? You are an expert in R Script? You are a computer engineer ? BioVeL supports scientists to carry out research on biodiversity by …

Chris Parr from Times Higher Education Interviewed Prof Carole Goble at JISC Digifest. You can read and listen to Carole’s views on the lack of transparency about academic research methods by clicking on the link below.

Why publish and be so damned hard to find?
Outdated practices and lack of simplicity result in ‘unfindable’ work, Carole Goble tells Jisc Digital Festival 2015

The Apache Software Foundation has been accepted as a mentoring organization for the 2015 Google Summer of Code[1]. The full list of Apache GSOC projects[2] includes four Taverna-related projects[3] : a production-suitable command line tool, a databundle viewer, OGC WPS support and an Android App for Taverna.

A production-suitable command line tool [4]

This proposed GSOC project is to formalize the command line interface for Taverna Language so that it can achieve some of the below:

a) In collaboration with dev@taverna and the mentor, define command line options for workflow conversions and inspection
b) Find and use an appropriate command line parser library
c) –help
d) Basic error handling (e.g. file not found)
e) Batch processing – e.g. recursive conversions
f) Arguments for choosing input and output formats
g) Unit and Integration Tests for the above (ideally through Maven)
The project can be extended by exposing other parts of the API that don't currently have a command line equivalent, e.g.
h) Workflow validation
i) Workflow statistics (number of processors, links, etc)

A databundle viewer [5]

This GSOC project proposes to create a web-based presentation (but not edit) of a workflow run, e.g. the following user story:

1) User uploads the databundle file for a workflow run (or provides the URI to one existing elsewhere) into the presentation system
2) The presentation system shows basic information about the workflow run
3) User navigates to inputs/outputs
4) The presentation system presents a list of inputs or outputs – embedding images etc. where possible, download links for large files, inline for small text, etc
5) User downloads a selected data file

Metadata provided can be presented in many different ways, for instance:

a) Which workflow was executed?
b) Which steps were executed?
c) What step produced this value?
d) What values were produced by this step?
e) What steps used this value?

OGC WPS support [6]

This proposed GSOC project is to, in collaboration with dev@taverna and the mentor

(a) Improve/complete the existing Taverna 2.5 WPS prototype support
Discovery of WPS services from a user-specified WPS server
Configuration of WPS services
Execution of WPS services
(b) Test WPS support using pre-selected WPS servers and services
(c) Migrate the WPS support to the Taverna 3 codebase
(c) Document the Taverna 3 WPS service support

An Android App for Taverna [7]

The project would be to:

Extend and complete Taverna Mobile: an Android app to run Taverna
workflows available on myExperiment (
using Taverna Server.

1) fix the ssl/https parts and use the latest version of taverna server
2) update the code to remove some legacy dependencies and use the
latest APIs
3) improve the UI and responsiveness


If you, or any students you know, are interested in these or any other Taverna projects, then please discuss ideas on the Taverna developers' list and then submit proposals to Google by 27th March. More information is in the GSOC 2015 FAQ [8]



The University of Manchester has now officially granted control of the Taverna source code to the Apache Software Foundation. The source code is now at git:// etc.

The paper by Bergmann et al. describes the COMBINE archive and OMEX format for "the exchange of all the information necessary for a modeling and simulation experiment in biology".

The format is related to that for Research Objects and there is a conversion tool between them.

BMC Bioinformatics | Full text | COMBINE archive and OMEX format: one file to share all information to reproduce a modeling project
With the ever increasing use of computational models in the biosciences, the need to share models and reproduce the results of published studies efficiently and easily is becoming more important. To this end, various standards have been proposed that can be used to describe models, simulations, data or other essential information in a consistent fashion. These constitute various separate components required to reproduce a given published scientif…